We Can’t Give in to Apathy

We Can’t Give in to Apathy

Every morning, I see a pin in a crystal trinket holder on my dresser. It reminds me that apathy isn’t an option. It’s a reminder that we can make our corner of the world a better place, and that it’s possible to make a difference.

Sometimes it’s hard to get excited about what’s going on when we feel overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. There’s so much that seems so big that we can’t control.

However, local is the most important thing we can focus on. It seems counterintuitive, but the changes that really impact people are made at the local and state level. Think about it. When you consider what came out of the 2020 legislative session, it becomes very apparent that we have a lot of work to do right here at home.

I’m running for office because our current House “representation” consistently votes against the best interests of the everyday folks in D33. We need to focus on our Idaho values, settle in, do the work, and, above all, CARE.