We need to save the USPS. Active sabotage is happening RIGHT NOW.Contact our Congresspeople and ask them to adequately fund the post office so we can maintain access to our right to vote.Sen Mike Crapo (R)(lawyer)410 Memorial Drive,Ste 204,Idaho Falls, ID 83402Phone: (208) 522-9779 Fax: (208) 529-8367Twitter: @MikeCrapoSen James Risch (R)(lawyer)901 Pier View Dr,Ste 202A,Idaho Falls, ID 83402Phone: (208) 523-5541 Fax: (208) 523-9373Twitter: @SenatorRischRep Mike Simpson (R)(dentist)410 Memorial Drive,Ste 203,Idaho Falls, ID 83402Phone: (208) 523-6701 Fax: (208) 523-2384Twitter: @CongMikeSimpsonAlso, my tips for voting this year:1. Go to https://IdahoVotes.gov and sign up for an absentee ballot.2. You can also sign up to receive an absentee/mail-in ballot at the county elections office. Wear a mask.3. Get your friends to sign up.4. When your ballot comes, fill it out and send it back ASAP. We don't know what will happen next, so do the thing quickly. You can also physically deliver your ballot to the county elections office. There's a dropbox.5. Make sure you follow all the instructions, including signing the outside of the envelope.For more information:https://mirandamarquitforidaho.com/vote/https://mirandamarquitforidaho.com/how-to-vote-in-the-may-19-primary/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoL8g0W9gAQ (USPS from John Oliver, NSFW)Special legislative session: https://idahonews.com/news/local/gov-little-calls-idaho-lawmakers-into-special-sessionVOLUNTEER: https://mirandamarquitforidaho.com/volunteer/Twitter: https://twitter.com/formarquitInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/MirandaForIdaho/
Here are my top tips for voting this year. MAKE A PLAN to vote. You will probably need it. 1. Go to https://IdahoVotes.gov and sign up for an absentee ballot. 2. You can also sign up to receive an absentee/mail-in ballot at the county elections office. Wear a mask. 3. Get your friends to sign up. 4. When your ballot comes, fill it out and send it back ASAP. We don’t know what will happen next, so do the thing quickly. Recommendation is to mail your ballot NO LATER than October 27. You can also physically deliver your ballot to the county elections office. There’s a dropbox. 5. Make sure you follow all the instructions, including signing the outside of the envelope.