Just a quick overview of the Idaho Rebound Cash Grants program, and how it compares to the PPP. It’s important to note that if you have a PPP loan of more than $10,000, you aren’t eligible for the Idaho program. However, for those who have been struggling with the PPP loan stuff, the Idaho grant might be a big help. Watch the video for a high-level breakdown.
Just a quick overview of the Idaho Rebound Cash Grants program.For more information, check out these links:Idaho Rebound Cash Grants: https://rebound.idaho.gov/idaho-rebound-cash-grants-for-small-businesses/Paycheck Protection Program: https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/coronavirus-relief-options/paycheck-protection-programEconomy and Your Money Town Hall with Aaron Swisher: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=1161905987496681
You can register to vote and request your absentee ballot at https://idahovotes.gov/. From the Secretary of State's Office: Given the growing number of coronavirus cases in Idaho, it simply was not safe for voters, election workers or the larger community to hold in-person voting for the May primary. Having Idahoans request a ballot and vote at home will protect the health of Idahoans, slow the spread of COVID-19, allow the election to move forward as scheduled and ensure everyone can still exercise their right to vote. · To vote in the May primary, Idahoans must request their ballot from their county clerk or online through the Secretary of State’s website by May 19. Once their ballot arrives to their home, voters simply fill it out and mail it back using the pre-addressed envelope. · We will be sending a ballot request form to every registered voter that has not already requested a ballot for May. If you cannot access IdahoVotes.gov to request your ballot, you do not need to worry. We will send you a request form to your registered address by mail in during the first two weeks of April. · Idahoans should not wait to request their ballot or vote in the May primary. Request your ballot now. As soon as you receive your ballot, fill it out and mail it back to be counted. · Voters who would normally request voting assistance or who have accessibility concerns should contact their county clerk’s office to discuss what accommodations may be available for the May primary. Key Dates: o Deadline to register to vote – May 19 o Deadline to request a ballot – May 19 o May primary – May 19 o Ballots counted & results released – June 2 Democrats have chosen to open up their primary to any registered voter. To put it simply, for this election, the Democratic and non-partisan ballots are available to all registered voters; the Republican ballot is only available to registered Republicans and unaffiliated voters who choose to affiliate as a Republican. Please note, non-partisan ballots only contain bonds, levies, measures and non-partisan positions like Judges. They do not contain candidates from all parties. The last day voters could change their political affiliation for the May primary was on March 13, 2020. Unaffiliated voters can change their party affiliation up to May 19, 2020.
On April 30, 2020, I sat down virtually with Aaron Swisher and we answered questions about the economy, what’s going on, and what it means for your money.
Aaron Swisher is an economist. I’m a nationally recognized financial expert and just finishing my MBA. Both of us have long experience with financial issues and real-world economic applications.
Watch the town hall to see what’s going on with the stock market, what government programs are doing for everyday folks, and what could be better in the response.
2. I’m joining Congressional Candidate Aaron Swisher for a virtual town hall on Thursday. He’s an economist! I’m a financial expert with an almost-MBA! We’ll talk about money, the economy and how it relates to COVID-19. We’ll even try to be useful. You can watch live (and ask questions) via Facebook, or register ahead of time to join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/…/register/WN_tpUQc8tlQam1T_ilCVqU8Q
It's going to be a busy week. Here's some of what you need to know.1. Gov. Little has issued a plan to re-open. You can get the details here: https://rebound.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/opening-up-guidlines.pdfIf you're hoping to be tested for COVID-19 antibodies, Crush the Curve is offering locations for the test. East Idaho News has details: https://www.eastidahonews.com/2020/04/new-covid-19-antibody-test-available-to-everyone-in-eastern-idaho-beginning-monday/2. I'm joining Congressional Candidate Aaron Swisher for a virtual town hall on Thursday. He's an economist! I'm a financial expert with an almost-MBA! We'll talk about money, the economy and how it relates to COVID-19. We'll even try to be useful. You can watch live (and ask questions) via Facebook, or register ahead of time to join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tpUQc8tlQam1T_ilCVqU8QIn the meantime, here's a link to my friend Jacob's COVID-19 financial resources page: https://www.iheartbudgets.net/covid19-financial-resources/3. On Friday, May 1, we're doing a Get Out the Vote Park-In. You can get a few details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/238967254043911/If you want a schedule of the route, though, you need to email me: miranda@mirandamarquitforidaho.com 4. Speaking of voting, don't forget to turn in your ballot ASAP. My video on how to vote in this all mail-in primary can be seen here: https://www.facebook.com/MirandaMarquitforIdaho/videos/529746764401434/5. And, finally, check out my friend Pat Tucker's article examining the voting records of our so-called representatives. Spoiler alert: they're not great. https://www.postregister.com/opinion/columns/voting-records-of-local-representatives-need-review/article_be5066d4-5f91-5a06-ae6d-1b4ed65d83d3.htmlNot only that, but there's been some rumblings around the Idaho Freedom Foundation and their tendency to control certain "representatives." Here's Frank VanderSloot's concerned take on the IFF: https://www.eastidahonews.com/2020/04/vandersloot-expresses-concerns-about-the-idaho-freedom-foundation-and-the-club/Also, you can see an interesting take on the IFF from former state Senator Jeff Siddoway in the Post Register: https://www.postregister.com/opinion/guest_column/ignore-the-idaho-freedom-foundation/article_f26e7917-4bdd-540b-951b-389765f07d50.htmlI mean, that's why I'm running, right? To get rid of these folks who don't truly represent us, or REAL Idaho values.If you're so inclined and have a minute, you can contribute easily online: https://mirandamarquitforidaho.com/donate Chip in $5 to help me bring true representation back to D33
Not only that, but there’s been some rumblings around the Idaho Freedom Foundation and their tendency to control certain “representatives.” Here’s Frank VanderSloot’s concerned take on the IFF: https://www.eastidahonews.com/…/vandersloot-expresses-conc…/
I mean, that’s why I’m running, right? To get rid of these folks who don’t truly represent us, or REAL Idaho values.
If you’re so inclined and have a minute, you can contribute easily online: https://mirandamarquitforidaho.com/donate Chip in $5 to help me bring true representation back to D33
When we look at national elections, it’s easy to get discouraged. After all, sometimes it feels as though we don’t have much say.
On a national level, it’s impossible for everyone to be happy with the nominee. And that’s ok. However, the great thing about our system is that we have a chance to make a difference when we vote in local elections. Our local and state elections give us a chance to truly employ the one person, one vote ideal.
Even though so many of us might be disappointed as we move through this presidential cycle, let's not forget the importance of local candidates and local elections!
When looking at the things that truly impact our lives, it’s what happens at the local and state level. So, no matter how you feel about what’s happening in national candidates, don’t forget that there are other people on the ballot. Your neighbors are running for office, they need your help, and they’re ready to make positive changes.
Together, when we work on a local level to make positive changes in the lives of Idahoans everywhere, we can truly see the founding principles of our democratic republic in action.
The 2020 legislative session was one of the messiest yet. Rather than looking at the challenges facing the state, our the folks in Boise have instead focused on passing one divisive and extremist bill after another — banning affirmative action, banning transgender athletes, banning abortion with no exception for the health of the mother.
Rep. Barb Ehardt (R-Idaho Falls) has been tireless in undermining education, health care, and civil rights, and is a driving force behind much of the awful news coming out of the Legislature:Ehardt voted three times to block funding of higher education
· She demanded that universities shut down diversity/inclusion programs
· She sponsored the transgender athlete ban
· She tried to stop high schoolers from learning about climate change and sex ed.
· She voted to gut Medicaid Expansion and ballot initiative rights.
Are these real Idaho values? Or are they the product of extremist elements in the legislature trying to gain control? I’m tired of watching as our so-called representatives ignore actual issues — property taxes, affordable housing, education funding — while hatching plans to give our public lands away to the highest bidder and undermining our ballot initiative rights.
I’m tired of the status quo and ready to truly represent our Idaho values in Boise. In the coming weeks and months, I’ll reach out to voters in the area, hold online events (and hopefully in-person events), and prepare to do the work of real representation. I hope you’ll join me by chipping in a few bucks or volunteering to help with the campaign.
Together, we can take back the people’s statehouse and bring real Idaho values to Boise.